Friday, January 10, 2020

How To Teach My Dog To Play Dead | Professional Dog Training Tips

Were going to teach a dog how to play dead and how you do, this is a slow progression of what is called shaping and we need to shape the dogs behavior. The very first thing we need to do is to get our dog down. Get him down. Good boy. Give him a couple treats here when the dog appears to be comfortable now we need to flip them onto their side.

So I need to flip him over by bring the treat to his butt and just getting over on his side We’re going to give a few treats here As he’s there. I am going to let him have a couple treats and then I am going to bring his head around on to the ground. This is the first step of play dead. We need to keep his head down. If you have a stay command, you can tell him to stay. Tell him stay good boy!



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Get that head down good boy and then okay and let him up. We want to get him down there again and to add a hand signal You want to bring him down and tell him bang, Which is the first step of the hand signal which is my pointed gun. Give him a treat, tell him okay To get the whole thing. We want to tell him bang, Slow death and good boy when he does it. Thats a slow death for you..

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Why Does My Dog Eat cat poop? | How To Stop My Dog Eating Cat Poop?

Why Does My Dog Eat cat poop? | How To Stop My Dog Eating Cat Poop?

How to stop dogs from eating Poop, Their poop or a cat’s poop The answer for that coming up. Welcome Back. This is Hassan and you are watching the Animalia TV –. Last time we spoke about. Why do dogs eat poop Coprophagia, And we explained the most common theories behind it? You can watch here This time. We will speak about how to stop it & the theories behind the different ways for doing that,

We are going to speak about two ideas. One idea is adding an ingredient to your dog’s food, so it helps him or her to properly and completely digest their food or make the poop smile offensive to the dog (. I explained more about that in my previous video. You can watch here), So you can add Broccoli. Cabbage & Brussels Sprouts, help digestion and contain a high sulphur content when digested smell, very offensive to dogs.



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You can add pineapple or papaya juice, which helps digestion by break down the protein in your dogs. Food Meat tenderizers contain natural vegetable enzymes, which break down protein fibres. Using meat. Tenderizers comes with some negative feedback, as it contains MSG And off course there is the Coprophagia supplements. They are products which produce the same effect as natural products I just mentioned So before we go into the second idea. If you ask me what would I use out of these options, I would definitely stick with the natural option, like the broccoli and the cabbage or the papaya and pineapple juice, because they are natural choices with no side effects.

I might even try the meat tenderizers & be sure they don’t contain MSG, but I will definitely keep the supplements as my last choice. So what if your dog eats other dogs, poop or cat’s poop, then the first idea wouldn’t work at all. Unless you can control the other dog or cat diet as well, so what would you do then? This is where the second idea has come in handy and that is training




It is not a lot of work; all you need to do is putting them on a leash, and once he or she is done, run fast away from it and reward him/her with a yummy treat and a bit of extra love. I received a lot of good feedback on this scenario, So here you go. You have the two ideas, Ingredients to add and training. Let me know which one you prefer in the comments below and off course, if you have a different choice, share it with us and I will join the discussion If you want to know why we do this Show and why this channel exist. 


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How to Help Your Dog Lose Weight | Professional Dog Diet Tips

So a lot of times when I one of the first questions I asked is: how much were you feeding your dog right and they go well, I’m feeding them two cups, I’ll, say: okay well, show me, and so then they’ll go pour it in here and let’s Just say, for instance, that Gracie was tell ya. That’S why she’s like? Let me in on that.


So if this was the amount that we were supposed to be feeding, let’s say, for instance, Gracie, we would want to actually measure it know exactly how much it is now, if we’re doing treats, there’s no reason that we can’t go okay well, this is the line And if we want to give Gracie two treats a day, well it can’t it can’t go over the line you have to take some out takes such simple sense. I know you could let her down okay.


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This is just two so I’ll sneak back over here. Baby hi baby. So that’s good, that’s good! Yes, baby, all right! So and so now a lot of other times. People have miscommunication issues within the home, so we have a husband that might work the same schedule as a wife or husband, a husband, wife, wife.


We don’t know: what’s going BOTS of kids well, whose fanta job, who fact the dog, it’s that simple, so many pets are getting fed twice. That’S so clear doing those lovey-dovey! All these things are. You can say that you’re out on the Internet, brilliant easy exercise, we started out with swimming for Gracie because of the stress on her knees. Yes, now she can go on walks.

Yes, yes, so what’s the exercise routine like and how do you explain that short of the process? Absolutely so one of the things we did on my big fat pet makeover is we used tracking devices, so this is an actual tracking device. I can Fitbit for a dog’s act, the shot, it’s exactly what it is, and so I would set all of the owners up with these.


I can track them on a daily basis, so we set goals. Everything from bark points, which is like steps Wow, give him a daily, didn’t we Lisa. She had daily goals shed to me and when she didn’t meet him, I’d get a little deal on the app saying, Gracie’s not doing her work, which means Lisa, is not doing her words busted by your job, [ Applause ]. I love you facie. Okay, you can check out Travis and help pets like Gracie by watching my big fat pet makeover in that Saturday’s 10 p.m.



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On Animal Planet, you..

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Thursday, January 9, 2020

Are Peace Lilies Poisonous To Cats? Poisonous Plants Dangerous To Cats

Hey y’all, welcome back. Mandy with my hectic life pets, we talk about all things pet and pet related, and today we’re going to talk about 10 common household plants that are toxic to your cap.

Number one is caladiums. This indoor outdoor type of plant is extremely toxic. It can cause vomiting and excessive drooling. Number two is Peace lilies. Lilies are extremely popular house plants and a lot of people keep them without realizing they can cause kidney failure in your cat.



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Your cat consumes any lilies and it isn’t caught quickly, can actually kill them, and even less than 24 hours. Number three is Larksburg. There are several different varieties of this plant and they tend to become less toxic as they mature. However, if consumed this plant can cause excessive drooling and even cardiac arrest in your cap.

And number four is the Sago, Palm Sago, palms that are extremely popular, especially where I live over on the west coast. It seems like you can’t go anywhere without seeing one, but these trees are extremely deadly to cats and dogs for that matter, especially if they were to ingest the seeds if adjusted.

It can cause tar, like stool vomiting, liver failure, and even death. Number five is the point set up with it’s bright red leaves. This is a very popular plant around the holidays. This plant can cause irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, and excessive drooling, so sometimes it’s best to just go with the fake points that as number six is extremely toxic and that is oleander.


This shrub is also known as the cow killer, as only a handful of leaves can actually bring down an entire cow. These plans cause difficulty breathing, cardiac arrest, and unfortunately typically death. Number seven is the Daffodil. These bright beautiful plants are very popular in springtime, but they are not a good choice around your cat if a cat justice and can actually lead them to convulse along with vomiting and diarrhea, not a good choice.

And number seven, although we normally think of this as something used for healing aloe, this plant is commonly grown in homes and used for medicinal purposes, but the same chemicals in the plant that is used to heal our bodies is actually very toxic for cats.

This plan can actually cause vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, and a changing your urine color, and next up we have the morning glory. Morning Glories, have beautiful flowers that bloom, but unfortunately if ingested, your cat might experience tremors, hallucinations and vomiting, and number 10 is dumb came.



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This is an extremely popular indoor plan due to the fact that it can grow with very, very little to no sunlight. It actually got its nickname because of the symptoms that it causes, if ingested swelling of the tongue to the point sometimes where it actually blocks the airways. If it’s ingested in large amounts, it can be extremely fatal to your pet and even to humans as well.

So there you have common household plants, so you should definitely keep away from your pets. So that’s all for today’s video. If you liked it, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel where I post new videos every week. Thanks for watching guys.Bye..

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How to Teach Your Dog to Fetch | Professional Dog Training Tips

Today we are going to talk to you about how to teach your dogs to play fetch. At least get them interested. This is Bugsy and for the purpose of being out at the park I ‘m actually going to show you a stick. We like a cheap date but bring anything you want, tug toys, squeak balls, anything that your dog truly likes playing with would be a great way to start. So to get them in tight we are going to kind of start moving the stick around, letting her try to get it, even allowing her to jump to retrieve it. Good girl, good job. Playing a little tug with it, good girl. Good job. Ready, yes. Tossing it to begin with.



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Good girl, good job. If she doesn’t come towards me I’m not going to try to keep calling her over and over again. I want to make this game really fun to her so usually if a dog isn’t interested in a toy I’ll start kicking it around and playing with it to get them really into what we are doing. Remember if you see dogs play with other dogs at the park they like to take each other’s toys and run from them. When you’re at home it is a good idea to play fetch and put your dog’s bed right next to you. Dogs love bringing prizes back to their bed. Good job Bugsy, good girl, good girl. Playing a little bit of chase gets Bugsy come back to me instead of me chasing her down Keep this game short and sweet.


If you start to see your dog’s bored light bulb going off put it away. I also recommend don’t leave these things just laying around the house. Either keep them outside or put them up to help make them golden so every time you get it out it’s pretty exciting again. Good girl. And this is how you start teaching your dog to play fetch.

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How To Stop Your Dog from Pulling on the Leash – Expert Dog Training Tips

How To Stop Your Dog from Pulling on the Leash – Expert Dog Training Tips

Is your dog super excited when you get ready to take him out for a walk? Jumping and whining when you put on the leash and then he’ll drag you out the door and down the driveway? Many dog owners feel that once the dog will get outside the dog will calm down but often the opposite is true.

With all the activities and smells outside the dog becomes even more excited. When a dog starts the walk in this highly excited state it is almost impossible to have him calm down and walk nicely on a loose leash Hello + welcome – Bee Walker with Modern Canine Services and today’s video is about teaching your dog to start the walk calmly.



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We’re going to give you some tips on how to calm your dog so that he won’t be pulling on the leash. This video is part of a series of videos that we did on properly Leash behavior. If you want to see some of the other videos you can check the description below. We have a link for you there or you can look at the top of the video now and we’ll have a suggestion card for you to find that Playlist 🙂 see you later Every time you take your dog for a walk, you have two opportunities to communicate to your dog that you want him to be calm.

The first is when you put on the leash and the second when you go out the door. Most dog owners that have an excited dog will just fight to put the leash on and then rush out the door allowing the dog to go through the door first.


We recommend that you don’t put your dog on the leash when he is in an excited state! Pick up the leash and simply stand still for a moment without talking to your dog, wait until he calms himself and then put on the leash. With the leash on the dog stand quietly for a few moments and then walk into the house, away from the front door! walk back and forth to the door until the dog is following you rather than pulling you towards the door now you are ready to go to the door and go outside, but pause for a moment, if your dog is intensely looking at the door.


Open the door just a little bit and then close it. You are looking for your dog to look at you and not the door you may need to do this a few times. When the dog sits or stands back and looks at you you can start to open the door a little bit more. Gently close it when the dog moves towards the door. There is no need to talk or give commands – let the door do all the work once the dog stands back without rushing towards the door walk through the door and your dog will follow behind you Hi, did you notice Apollo coming through the door behind me?


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Remember behavior modification does take time and dogs do learn best by repetition and consistency, so work with your dog about 10 to 15 minutes every day on putting on the leash and walking out the door calmly. If you like today’s video then please like and share it and please do subscribe to our YouTube channel so that you won’t miss any of our new videos.


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How to groom dog with wiry hair – wire haired dog grooming demonstration

How to groom dog with wiry hair – wire haired dog grooming demonstration

This is Lucy, a two-year-old West Highland White Terrier – a typical example of a wire coated breed. She; s about to have a grooming makeover in the hands of a real expert. Jitka Krizova is one of Europe’s top dog groomers. Sasha is enjoying herself. Originally from Slovakia, she now lives and works in Britain. She’s been showing and grooming dogs for 20 years and has won an impressive array of awards. British Groomer of the Year Award 2006, Eurogroom winner three times in a row and in 2011 she clipped and snipped her way to the World Championships as a member of Groom Team England. Jitka’s sharing her champion tips and techniques to help you keep your dog in pristine condition. Lucy just had a bath in special whitening shampoo, and you can see her coat is nice and shiny and pearly white.


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Now she’s ready for brush and dry. Other breeds with coats like Lucy’s include Airedale Terriers, Cairn Terriers, Welsh Terriers, Border Terriers and Schnauzers. So the grooming techniques are similar. Wire coats aren’t supposed to be soft and silky they’re more rough and bristly. These breeds are a great choice if you’re house proud or an allergy sufferer because their coats don’t shed. You don’t need to use a professional dryer – any hairdryer will do. But make sure the temperature is on a low heat and always brush in the direction of your dog’s coat.


Jitka is using a soft slicker brush that will grab the soft downy undercoat. Slicker brushes are simple to use but require a gentle hand. After drying I’m going to hand strip Lucy’s coat. Hand stripping keeps coat harsh and in good colour. Hand stripping as the name suggests involves plucking by hand. This will stimulate your dog’s skin allowing healthy new hair to grow in.

The other option is to have your dog clipped but that’s not always the best solution as it will leave the coat soft and curly. Hand stripping looks very easy, but it’s quite tricky to do. Also hand stripping is very time consuming. Basic hand strip can be done at home, but to achieve the correct shape and coat it’s better to visit a professional dog groomer. Wire haired breeds like Lucy should be hand stripped every six to twelve weeks. Just as we feel better after a good haircut dogs enjoy the feeling of being clean and tidy.


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If you want to keep your Westie in full coat like Lucy’s here, you have to remember to put a lot of effort into its grooming. But as you can see, it’s worth it. In between grooming sessions it’s important to wash and brush your dog regularly, trim her nails every four to six weeks and check her ears are healthy weekly. All that coupled with a good diet and plenty of exercise should give you a happy and healthy dog..

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