Thursday, January 9, 2020

Are Peace Lilies Poisonous To Cats? Poisonous Plants Dangerous To Cats

Hey y’all, welcome back. Mandy with my hectic life pets, we talk about all things pet and pet related, and today we’re going to talk about 10 common household plants that are toxic to your cap.

Number one is caladiums. This indoor outdoor type of plant is extremely toxic. It can cause vomiting and excessive drooling. Number two is Peace lilies. Lilies are extremely popular house plants and a lot of people keep them without realizing they can cause kidney failure in your cat.



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Your cat consumes any lilies and it isn’t caught quickly, can actually kill them, and even less than 24 hours. Number three is Larksburg. There are several different varieties of this plant and they tend to become less toxic as they mature. However, if consumed this plant can cause excessive drooling and even cardiac arrest in your cap.

And number four is the Sago, Palm Sago, palms that are extremely popular, especially where I live over on the west coast. It seems like you can’t go anywhere without seeing one, but these trees are extremely deadly to cats and dogs for that matter, especially if they were to ingest the seeds if adjusted.

It can cause tar, like stool vomiting, liver failure, and even death. Number five is the point set up with it’s bright red leaves. This is a very popular plant around the holidays. This plant can cause irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, and excessive drooling, so sometimes it’s best to just go with the fake points that as number six is extremely toxic and that is oleander.


This shrub is also known as the cow killer, as only a handful of leaves can actually bring down an entire cow. These plans cause difficulty breathing, cardiac arrest, and unfortunately typically death. Number seven is the Daffodil. These bright beautiful plants are very popular in springtime, but they are not a good choice around your cat if a cat justice and can actually lead them to convulse along with vomiting and diarrhea, not a good choice.

And number seven, although we normally think of this as something used for healing aloe, this plant is commonly grown in homes and used for medicinal purposes, but the same chemicals in the plant that is used to heal our bodies is actually very toxic for cats.

This plan can actually cause vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, and a changing your urine color, and next up we have the morning glory. Morning Glories, have beautiful flowers that bloom, but unfortunately if ingested, your cat might experience tremors, hallucinations and vomiting, and number 10 is dumb came.



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This is an extremely popular indoor plan due to the fact that it can grow with very, very little to no sunlight. It actually got its nickname because of the symptoms that it causes, if ingested swelling of the tongue to the point sometimes where it actually blocks the airways. If it’s ingested in large amounts, it can be extremely fatal to your pet and even to humans as well.

So there you have common household plants, so you should definitely keep away from your pets. So that’s all for today’s video. If you liked it, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel where I post new videos every week. Thanks for watching guys.Bye..

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