Friday, November 29, 2019

Can Cats Eat Potatoes | Are Potatoes Ok To Feed To A Cat?

Can Cats Eat Potatoes?  Strange question you might say, not really, its a very common question asked online.

You are just enjoying your delicious lunch with all your favorite foods including potato. Your cat is showing interest to share your food. But you are a bit hesitant to offer as you are unsure how it will impact your cat’s digestive system.

You might be thinking the potato is safe. Still, you are looking at your smartphone to Google: Can cats eat potatoes?

This is a common scenario in many households with pets. We understand your concerns. We will help you to satisfy your curious mind in the following.


When Potatoes Are Considered Safe for Cats?


Many things depend on the type of potatoes you are planning to offer to your feline friend. The preparation will make a big difference between a satisfied and a sick cat. You can offer cooked potatoes to your cat. Raw potatoes contain a toxic know as an alkaloid. However, this toxic will be destroyed during the cooking process. So, you should not be worried if your pet is sharing your potatoes.

Though cooked potatoes can be served to cat, you will have to serve it without seasoning. Cats might find it hard to digest seasonings. Also, we normally prepare potatoes using garlic and onion.

These are not safe for cats. You should always remember that a high dose of any vegetable can be poisonous to cats. When it comes to garlic, it is five times more poisonous than onions for your cats and dogs. So, make sure that you are not using these ingredients in preparation if you are planning to serve it to your cat.


Which Potatoes Are Best?


Steamed and boiled potatoes are best for your cats. You should avoid fried potatoes as they contain unhealthy fats and cooking oils. Also, you will have to serve in moderation even if you are using steamed potatoes. Too much consumption will cause weight gain. You can simply add a little amount in their regular food instead of serving potatoes alone. A small spoonful cooked potatoes can be served to your pet once in a while.


Which Potatoes Are Worst?


When steamed potatoes are considered best for occasional eating, raw potatoes are considered the worst cat foods. The same is about the potato feel. You should never offer potato feel and raw potato to your cat. These foods can be poisonous. Your little friend can be seriously ill after consuming it. Therefore, you should keep raw potatoes out of the reach of your cat to avoid an unpredictable situation


What Happens When Your Cat Eats Raw Potatoes?


Your cat might be seriously ill. Whenever you notice your cat is eating potato peels and raw potatoes, take to your pet to the veterinarian immediately. These foods might have a bad reaction causing vomiting, diarrhea, or more severe complications.




Cats mostly rely on meat for survival. You can give your pet some non-meat food. However, you will have to do proper research to avoid any serious impact. Some foods can be served cooked like potatoes. However, the raw form can be dangerous. Proper research is a must to protect your pet from major side effects.




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