Monday, November 4, 2019

Can Dogs Safely Eat Bread | Is It Safe For A Dog To Eat White Bread?

Can Dogs Safely Eat Bread | Is It Safe For A Dog To Eat White Bread?

Can our pet dogs safely eat bread and more specifically can dog’s safely eat white bread?

You’re probably asking this if you want to share a bite of your sandwich or toast with your pet pooch, or perhaps your cheeky pup pinched a slice of bread from your plate as you eat breakfast reading the morning paper:-) bad doggy..

Ah, bread– as appealing to pet dogs as it is to humans. The smell of toast in the morning gets the taste buds salivating in anticipation, imagine what it does for our pet dogs who have senses 1000 times more sensitive. 

So, can you share a piece with your four-legged pal when she or he comes asking? Possibly– it just depends what’s in that slice.

Here’s what you need to know about whether you can share some of your bread or toast with your furry best friend.

The Wonder Of Wonder Bread For Dogs

Specialists mostly agree that a small amount of plain white or wheat bread should not harm your dog, only, of course, if they don’t have a wheat allergy. Similar to humans, it’s essential not to over-indulge on the carb-heavy food, high in calories and short on nutrients.

Make sure you inspect the active ingredients thoroughly. DO NOT give your dog anything with raisins, garlic, nuts, or xylitol– an artificial sweetener. These have differing degrees of toxicity for dogs and can trigger anything from diarrhoea to pancreatitis or even kidney failure.

Are there any direct nutritional benefits of dogs eating bread?

Beyond being a tasty periodic treat, bread has fibre, especially whole-wheat or other grain-based bread, which could be a benefit to your pet dog’s diet plan.

It’s always a good idea to consult your veterinarian before adding bread as a regular nutritional supplement, as there may be much healthier choices.

Some individuals utilize bread to calm a dog’s indigestion, but veterinarians mostly agree that plain white rice is a safer bet.

No Raw Dough, Though!

Can Dogs Safely Eat Bread | Is It Safe For A Dog To Eat White Bread?

While their ancestors may have consumed meat raw, dogs eating raw dough is a big no-no!

The heat of a pet’s stomach functions as an oven of sorts, and when the dough gets in, it continues to rise, bloating and distending the gut.

Even worse, ethanol, a spin-off of the bread’s yeast, can make your pet pooch drunk. If you know your dog consumed raw dough, or if you see indications of alcohol toxicosis, like seizure, anxiety, weakness, hypothermia, unstable walking, or even coma, then you must get your dog to the veterinarian immediately.

So, the next time Baxter is giving you the old puppy-dog eyes for a treat, you can give him some plain bread (or toast)– just make sure the ingredients are ok and the bread is well baked and give in small portions only.

We love our dogs and we want to spoil and give them all the love and cuddles in the world, but blindly feeding a dog without proper research into what’s in the food is bordering on cruelty and at best ignorance and stupidity.

Always make sure you know what you are giving your dog to eat and how much of it they are allowed.

Does your dog love to eat bread? Do they enjoy it as a reward? Please let us know in the comments below!

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