Thursday, January 2, 2020

How To Teach Your Dog To Sit In Easy To Follow Steps

Teaching your dog to sit is one of the first things every new dog owner will teach their dog to do. There are many methods for doing this and most are a lot more complicated than they need to be.

We have followed The American Kennel Club for some time now and this video on teaching your dog to sit is very good.  If you prefer to read we have included the video transcript below.

Please like and share the video if you like the content and give the video maker the credit for creating such a good quality video.

Hi my name is Nancy field I’m a

certified professional dog trainer and
I’m a family matters instructor here at
Port Chester obedience training Club
this is my dog Emma she’s a Labrador
Retriever and Emma and I are going to
show you today how to teach your dog to
sit we’re going to start with a food
Lord to get the dog to sit so you’ll
need lots of small treats ready to go in
your pockets a lure is like a magnet on
the dog’s nose so you want to make sure
your dog is very interested in the treat
before you start with the dog standing
you’re gonna put the treat right in
front of her nose and then lift it up a
little bit good girl and then deliver
the treat when a dog’s head goes up
naturally, her rear end will start to go
down so it’s usually not too hard to get
your dog to sit for a lord if instead of
sitting if your dog jumps up to get the
treat just don’t give it to her and wait
for her to sit and then deliver the tree
good girl
once your dog is sitting every time
easily for the lure then we have to
start to fade the lure and turn it into
a hand signal you can start by having
food in both of your hands drop your
leash on the floor and step on it so
both of your hands are free I’m just
gonna pretend to lure her good girl and
then feed her from the other hand so
she’s starting to learn that the food is
not necessarily right in front of her
nose when she’s doing the behaviour good
pretty soon you should be able to use a
plain hand signal with your flat hand
facing up and then reward your dog later
good girl
be sure to let her know when she’s
finished with the exercise and she can
now move so again first comes the hand
signal good girl
then praise your dog to let her know she
did the right thing and then give her
the tree once your dog knows how to sit
for a hand signal, we can also teach her
the verbal cue sit we start with the
hand signal because that’s your dog’s
native language body language she knows
how to follow motion
English however is a foreign language to
her so we have to teach that to her
specifically, you’ll start by saying the
verbal cue first and then showing her
what you want by using the hand signal
EMA sit good girl Emma sit
after many repetitions, she’ll learn to
also do the behavior on the verbal cue
alone Emma



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